Archy VI The Resurrection

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Archy VI The Resurrection was a HW VS entered in Wild Robots Live. Its design is somewhat similar to its predecessor Archimandrite V in principle, but was much more stable due to a decrease in weapon motor power. Archy VI's wedges were also improved wich allowed it to easily get under and destroy Purple Pest.

Archy VI The Resurrection

ArchyVI 2.JPG

Builder: H@zm47
Weight class: Heavyweight
Weapon: 4 30 kg Sledge Hammers and 2 Light DSL Teeth on a disk, 2 static DSL Hammer 4s
Weapon power: Perm 132
Drive: 2 NPC-T64 Fast Motors
Armor: 1mm Steel
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 2: Beats Purple Pest
Tournament Losses: Battle 1: Loses to FlamesFromUnder,
Trivia: Archy VI The Resurrection was designed this way to make it have more stability, something Archimandrite V lacked.