Lethal Force

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Revision as of 12:37, 25 July 2009 by RedAce (talk | contribs) (Obviously YOU should take a good look at the picture. Obviously it has 2 pistons with y connectors and 2 with just one iron on the bottom. Look at the skin too.)
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Lethal force is a piston rammer. It uses 6wd HP Zteks to make this bot VERY fast. It just doesn't have enough irons to compete with a lot of Heavyweights and those wheels are very exposed.

Lethal Force
Builder: ACAMS
Weight class: Heavyweight
Weapon: 10 Irons
Weapon power: 7 Pistons
Drive: 6 Hp Z-teks
Armor: DSA
Trivia: Actually built by ACAMS. The first guest bot to the Starcore packs. Set the stage for guest bots and teams from some of the greatest builders of the time.