Immobilization occurs when a robot is unable to move for around 15 seconds. After about 5 seconds of no movement (or movement extremely low speed), a 10 second countdown timer begins. If the robot is unable to move and the timer reaches zero, the robot is considered immoblilzed and loses via a Technical Knockout. If at any time during the countdown the robot manages to move a sufficient distance, the countdown timer disappears.
There are many ways to become immobilized. The most common way is to lose your wheels. In rammers this is an almost guaranteed way to get immobilized. In some other robots like pokers, their weapon can keep the bot moving. Another way robots can be immoblized is through pinning, when a robot rams the opponent into a wall and keeps them pinned there until their immobilization counter reaches zero. Being stuck on one of it's sides is also a problem, mainly for bots that have no Srimech or are not Invertible.
Slow bots with few battery power left also can get immobilized fairly easily.