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Slasher Pic 2.jpg

Builder: BotReactor
Weight class: Middleweight
Weapon: 4 Small Beater Bars and 4 Shark's Teeth on Two Drums
Weapon power: 2 NPC-T64 Fast Motors
Drive: 2 Slimbody motors
Armor: 3 MM Aluminum
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Beats FIRST ROUND FINALE! 2-1 (2 TKOs), Battle 3: Beats Gohem 2-1 (1 KO, 1 TKO)
Tournament Losses: Battle 2: Loses to Layziee 2-1 (1 KO), Battle 4: Loses to Red Tide VI 2-1 (1 KO)
Trivia: Slasher was the only bot in BBEANS 4 to use Shark's Teeth.

Slasher was a Middleweight drum bot built by BotReactor for BBEANS 4. It was BotReactor's second try at BBEANS, and he competed in BBEANS 3 with RazorCutter. Slasher was one of two drum bots in BBEANS 4, the other being Red Tide VI. Even though Slasher had the better wedge, Red Tide VI won their match. Before the tournament, not many people had an idea of what Slasher did, because of the picture in the splash. There were many different guesses, but it was all figured out in the first round. Many underestimated the power of its weapons as well, as it turned out to be a pretty good gut-ripper. BotReactor is ranked 43rd in BBEANS Standings.

What Clickbeetle listed as Strengths and Weaknesses are:

Strengths: Durable

Weakness Slow, not invertible