Revision as of 11:52, 30 March 2009 by (talk) (The old world veterans didn't disappear because of AU going down. In fact, about half of the community hated AU with a fiery passion.)
AceUplink forum staff. Also the creator of rootbeer.
Grudge/Ally Status
- Grudges With: Unknown (Deceased Forum)
- Allies With: Unknown (Deceased Forum)
- Fear Rating: 93/100
- Respect Rating: 96/100
- Rank: Administrator
- Political Stance on Forum: Execute and Perform, Informationalist
- Trivia: The time by which the community were fleeting away from Aceuplink spelt the end for this forum staff. And it was a shame. AW and his crew had created very interesting designs in their time and were famous for their huge tournaments.