RNP: Sword of Glory

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The fifth RN tournament

RNP: Sword of Glory is the ongoing fifth in the Roboticollins Network series of tournaments hosted by Rob Collins. A DSL 2 lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight league-based tournament; entrants are still being accepted.



  1. Rob Collins
  2. Guldenflame
  3. DemonOfTomorrow
  4. RedAce


  1. Rob Collins
  2. Guldenflame
  3. DemonOfTomorrow
  4. RedAce


  1. Rob Collins
  2. Guldenflame
  3. DemonOfTomorrow
  4. 090901
  5. Thyrus
  6. RedAce

Possible reserves include: Moodex, Admirer, Friend Box, Torrenta 2, Triad of Midnight 2

Round 1

This tournament is yet to air.