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eFFeeMMe is a great builder and is known for the eFFe glitch.
eFFeeMMe is a great builder and is known for the eFFe glitch.
Haha Ive always wanted to do something like this.

Revision as of 17:18, 11 October 2007

Aside from official patches and fixes produced by Gabriel Interactive and Infogrames a number of third party developers coded and created unofficial modifications and developments for the Robot Arena 2 game and game engine. Below is a choice selection of the real movers and shakers in the development community followed by a listing of other lesser-known reskinners or remodders.

Notable Component Creators

Notable Arena Creators

Notable AI Coders

Notable Plugin/Add-on Creators

Notable Robot Builders

Throughout the history of Robot Arena 2, there have been many people who have made major advancements in Bot Building. These include (But are not limited to):


Firebeetle and Clickbeetle have had a lot to offer to the Robot Arena community. They have not only created many arenas and components, but have also made a lot of bots that have really changed the way we look at RA2 today. Some of their best bots include DrumbleBee, Event Horizon 2, and Pillar of Fire.


JimXorb is nothing short of a legend in the RA2 community. He has created the most famous flipper in the history of the game (Jex Air 3) and created RA2T2 champion Death Port 3. In addition to his robots, JimXorb also discovered the Rupt Glitch, which can increase a burst motor's power exponentially


One of the greatest builders in the history of the game. His spinners are some of the most devastating creations to ever enter the arena. Recently, he took first place in the BBEANS 3 tournament with Childsplay IV, with a stunning series of victories.


RA2's current AI master, Starcore created the Starcore AI packs, which replace the weak default AI with some truly dangerous machines. As a pure builder, he's no slouch; from the devastating rammer Warmachine to the mighty Tempus Fugit 2007, Starcore can take any design and make the best use of it.


Luigica is pretty new to the realm of RA2 as far as great builders go, but he builds some of the most innovative robots most of us have seen in recent years.


eFFeeMMe is a great builder and is known for the eFFe glitch.


Haha Ive always wanted to do something like this.