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哦~ 宁静的小村外 有一个笨小孩 出生在陆零年代
== Super Smash Brothers Melee For The Nintendo Gamecube ==
十来岁到城市 不怕那太阳晒 努力在柒零年代
发现呀城市里 朋友们不用去灌溉 花自然会开
哦~ 转眼间那么快 这一个笨小孩 又到了捌零年代
[[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]] [[image:Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png]]
三十岁到头来 不算好也不坏 经过了玖零年代
最无奈 他自己 总是会慢人家一拍 没有钱在那口袋
哎哟 往著胸口拍一拍呀 勇敢站起来 不用心情太坏
哎哟 向着天空拜一拜呀 别想不开 老天自有安排
哦~ 他们说城市里 男不坏女不爱 怎么想也不明白
妈妈说真心爱 会爱得很精彩 结果我没有女孩
笨小孩依然是坚强得像石头一块 只是晚上寂寞难耐
哎哟 往著胸口拍一拍呀 勇敢站起来 管它上山下海
哎哟 向着天空拜一拜呀 别想不开 老天自有安排

Latest revision as of 22:01, 29 September 2017

Super Smash Brothers Melee For The Nintendo Gamecube

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