Pyscolone's AI Pack

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An extremely difficult pack that hasn't had much recognition due to the fact that there hasn't been much pack pop on it. It was even more difficult than Starcore's V3 mod, but doesn't feature as many original designs in it. However, PYS AI features bots using newer glitches and bots built by some of the veterans of that time.


Team name Motto LW MW HW Extra Extra Extra
Team Pyscolone "They won't know what hit em!" Objective PointdeX SpiTe Legio-X Reverend WoS
The Guild "Faith Forever." Pierce Carbon Bullet Disaster Transport Mininova Ode to Foolishevil Cochise
Arthrobotics (PYS) "Be warned...The bugs swat back." Deathwatch Larva 3:30 Drumblebee Larva 2 Drumblebee 5 AW-Siafu Deathwatch Larva 6:30 Click Beetle
Team Vertigo "Brought to you by Vertigo." Drunk Driving Mehve \/elocity Impulse 513 FROWNHED! Chaos Disorder
Hypothermia "Don't get frostbitten..." FrostBite Eidene Shear II Public Enemy Precision AvaLanche
Team Luigica "More painful than a poke in the retina..." Imp Bedlam Shredder II Hysteria Hexavert DaD
Renegade Robotix "Brought to you by Corwin." Detour Emerton Guardian Rathe Horizons Veloce
Team Moxy "Put em up!" Timer Mite Invincible Boxum Scrabble Averst
The Remnant "Brought to you by Zero_Absolute." I.c.E Oblivion V The Fluffinator Saosin Step Off 2 Evil Rainbow
F? "Brought to you by eFFeeMMe." Stand Still For A Moment Teh Generic! Power Drills Are For Wusses Bum Bew Tcha Get Slim Fast! IMMA NINJA
Squadron P "xD" Plastered PickUpStix Twisted Fun Stiches Scribble AW-KlounDawg
Abominations "Some things people just don't like." Ravage GliTched Furby Primal InfeKted Plagued
Sick, Sick, Six "Ya Rly" Uh Oh Dolce Motre Deviance Trexe Predatory Anarch
One Girl Army "You Say Love Is A Hell You Cannot Bear, So I Say Give Me Mine Back & Go There For All I Care." Wreathe Indefectible Succinct Ataxia Stromata Pandora
Recreational Hazards "Was that a kid? No, no don't worry about it." HalfLife Ent Uprising Deflack Reinon BirD
Classic Robotics "Some of the oldies,but new?" Cyclone(PYS) Quen 2 TC9 Crimson Boon 7 Fridt 3