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Rank Forum member
Political Stance Drama Queen
Grudge / Ally Status
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 1/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 10/100
Memorable Quote
absolutely none

The current persona of razer, the builder of Spinner from the west. He first returned in 2009, and has been highly periodic on and off the forum.

Upon first returning to the forum, he created a showcase that went very poorly. He often acted as a huge attention whore, banking off the fame of the past robot that garnered the fame that it did. This largely backfired - noob whackers like InfiniteInertia called out this behavior around the forum alongisde his original, poorly planned stock showcase which appeared to be the pinnacle of said attention whoring, and various fights in the Skype group and around the forum, especially around bronies, cemented a drama queen status. This eventually caused him a level of resentment towards the community and apathy towards the site that led to him leaving in April in 2013 citing general boredom. Despite returning to enter a few occasional tournaments such as Chinese Whispers 3, N00b Warz 4, and Britbongs vs Amerifats, he never truly took the game seriously for a number of years and kept his general distance due to his new, generally negative reputation.

Around 2016, however, he made a more significant return, with entries to the wildcard rumble of Wildcard Rally, six entries into Sword of Glory, entries into Ironforge and Stock divisions for the GTMCS, and an entry for GTM Robot Wars. He has taken a liking to IRL designs in DSL, and while generally he is very new to these mods, has been experimenting through a variety of builds. He chooses to leave the SFTW meme behind him nowadays, for most purposes.